Friday’s Biorb Special is on the Biorb Marine Service Kit. The Marine Service Kit is usually $16.99 but is now on sale for only $12.99. That is 25% off, so if you have a marine biorb or biube aquarium, stock up on biorb marine service kits today.
Friday’s Biorb Special is on the Biorb Marine Service Kit. The Marine Service Kit is usually $16.99 but is now on sale for only $12.99. That is 25% off, so if you have a marine biorb or biube aquarium, stock up on biorb marine service kits today.
Today we are discount two of the most popular biorb plant packs, the Biorb Green Plant Pack (3 sizes) and the Biorb Autumn Fern Plant Pack. The plant packs are usually $10.99 but we are discounting them by $2 each, close to 20%, so grab yours today!
Today’s Biorb sale is on the Silver Biorb Acrylic Stand. The Acrylic stand is usually $160 but is $129 this week, that’s 20% off the retail price.
Biorb Service Kits only $8.99!!! That is $4 off the retail price or 30% off!
This week is going to be a good one if you are looking to buy a biorb fish tank, biube fish tank, or biorb accessories & supplies. Why? Because we have a killer week of sales for you, starting with today there will be one new sale every day of the week. What is today’s special going to be, well here it is.
Our Biorb Coupon Book has been very popular and loads of customers have already used their coupons to save a total of hundreds of dollars. If you are one of those customers that has saved money on a biorb fish tank, biorb filters, or biorb accessories, congratulations!
It is time for our announcement, we have created a way to save you a ton of money on your biorb supplies and accessories, our Biorb Coupon Book. With over $150 in savings, discounts, & coupons, this book won’t hurt your pocketbook. The Biorb Coupon Book is over a $50 value but for our loyal customers it is temporarily only $12.95, but hurry, because there are only 500 available, and with over 1 million biorb owners in the U.S., those 500 won’t last long!!
The official, detailed announcement will be made on Monday, so check back Monday morning to find out how you can save over $150 on biorb fish tanks & supplies! And if you have friends that have a Biorb or Biube Fish Tank, let them know too, because everyone loves a good deal.
The Biorb Siphon Hose will save you a ton of time while cleaning your aquarium, and it will also help to clean your biorb or biube more thoroughly.
If you have seen any pictures of biorb aquariums, you probably consider it a freshwater aquarium. But did you know that Reef One makes a Biorb Marine Conversion Kit that easily converts your freshwater biorb into a saltwater tank