If you have seen pictures of a biorb life aquarium, but are wondering what the tank would look like in real life, below is our biorb life video. The video shows fancy guppies in a black biorb life 30.
If you have seen pictures of a biorb life aquarium, but are wondering what the tank would look like in real life, below is our biorb life video. The video shows fancy guppies in a black biorb life 30.
Yesterday we published four new articles about biorb aquariums and products, including the biorb life, biube pure, biorb digital thermometer, and biorb air stones
n case you weren’t sure exactly what comes with the aquarium, and what the included accessories look like, watch this video to get an idea of the size and detail of the bio orb accessories included with all Bio orb Life Fish Tanks.
You won’t need a lot of extra supplies to take care of your Biorb, but there are a couple products that we HIGHLY RECOMMEND that will save you a lot of time and headache when cleaning your biorb. They are listed below